Feni Telephone Directory.
Telephone directory of Feni
** if you want to include any telephone number(s) into this directory simply put that in the comments area of this page with your email address. we will include that number in the directory.
Organization | Telephone |
A | |
ANSAR Office | 74214 |
Arsh Electric | 01614232323 |
B | |
BADC | 74157 |
Bakhrabad Gas | 73263, 74297 |
Beacon Exim Bangladesh Ltd. | 61826, 63242 |
C | |
Circuit House | 74116, 74510 |
City Corporation | 73657, 74229, 74737 |
Computer Institute | 61888 |
Customs Department | 74032, 74141, 74274 |
Civil Surgeon Office | 73238 |
D | |
District Food Controller | 74025 |
District Council | 73674, 73184, 74236 |
E | |
Electricity | 74733 |
Election Office | 73587 |
F | |
Facilities Department | 74083 |
Feni Gas Field | 74050 |
Feni Thana | 74831, 74883 |
Fire Service | 74744, 74878 |
G | |
Grid | 74116 |
H | |
Hotel Gazi | 62415, 01718267305 |
Hotel Midnight | 62223, 01816533053 |
Hotel Obokash | 73648, 01820018768 |
I | |
Islami Bank Bangladesh (Feni Branch) | 73175, 74548, 63264 |
Islami Foundation Feni | 73543 |
J | |
Jatio Sanchey Burue | 74738 |
Janata Bank | 74335, 74706 |
K | |
Krishi Office | 73462 |
L | |
M | |
N | |
Nadia Furniture (Feni Showroom) | 01916-758554 |
NSI Office Feni | 74071 |
O | |
P | |
Police (Betar) | 74836 |
Police Control Room | 74835 |
Police Super | 74001, 73471 |
Polli Biddut | 74087, 74707 |
Post Office | 74191 |
Primary Teachers Training Institute | 74119 |
Q | |
R | |
Railway Station | 74875 |
Red Creasent Office | 63174 |
Raju Furniture Gallery | 01711374823, 01819614008 |
Rupali Bank | 74319, 74746 |
S | |
74866 | |
Sports Office | 73387 |
T | |
Tax Department | 74762 |
Telephone Office | 73400, 74700 |
Telegraph Office | 73035, 74535 |
U | |
V | |
W | |
X | |
Y | |
Z |
** if you dont find your desired telephone number(s) on this page or if you think there is a false or missleading telephone number(s) on the page or you have some potential telephone number(s) of various business organization, please leave a comment on the page below. we will take care of it.